Thursday, April 28, 2011

Good riddance

When people usually ask me "What's wrong?" I just say "nothing". Not because i don't want to tell them, but because my mind is filled with thousands and thousands of thoughts that i just don't know how to explain.

I have been hemming and hawing, pacing up and down my room for a good 45 minutes already, I just sat on my bed and sighed. Sighed long and thought hard about an inconvenient question that was thrown to me. Trust is one of the things that's hardest to earn but so easy to destroy and if that is not barren enough for you than I can show you. I wanted to sleep and catch a good long rest but the question posed kept ringing in my head and i hated it because the reality annoyed me off my emotions before I could even shut my eyes, hence at this hour, i am still awake.

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