Wednesday, October 08, 2008

1 dress to 27 dresses

Remember the last time i said that i was going to try at my own hand making my very own tube dress? Well, i'm done! Haha well sort of done actually, i just need to sew up the hem of the bottom of the dress and sew some more hemmings here and there. So i'll just give you a quick preview of how the cloth looks like, and then on another day i'll give you a photo of the entire piece! (:

Yea. I painstakingly used my hand instead of the sewing machine because my hands and heart were going giddy-yup.

And oh i ask, but how many actually enjoy eating at Cafe Cartel? Ok maybe it's my tummy, i love the ribs there, i think it's the only thing edible. But whenever i eat something that has cheese on the menu, i get a tummy ache that get's me going to the toilet 3-4 times. But just yesterday on a dinner with Stef & Ben, i had the fish sandwhich and i had NO tummy aches. Queer. Here i present;

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