Thursday, September 25, 2008

do you know that your love is the sweetest?

I have this class-mate by the name of Marvin, and he was the first person whom i sticked my tongue on the first day at sem 2. And i was also the first to call him MUFFIN instead of Marvin. However one thing of Muffin's possesion that always fascinated me was the dog-tag around his neck.

Yea that's a partial picture of Muffin's body btw. But what struck me about the dog tag of his was, he had a pair instead of 1. So out of curosity i asked "why was the other one empty?" and he gave me a reply with a hearty smile telling me it would be kept for that someone truly special to him and someone he might just wanna marry. And yea being the typical girl who would gush over the cute-est and most sweetest thing heard and seen, i 'AWWWW'ED pretty hysertically. Pretty much to show that the future girl would always be kept close to his heart. It's just the most darnest, most damest, sweetest thing.

Nah i'm not advertising for Muffin on my blog. But thought i'd share it with you readers out there. (:

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