Thursday, April 23, 2009

One day school will be too cool

Hey ho! I know I haven't been posting at all, but school and anniversary operation has been tying me down so much. So far I have a few pages of articles to read for 2 modules and to further my reading and findings before each lesson starts, I also have a 15 page script to memorise whereby i play the role of 'M n M' (please don't laugh), I also have to find activities to complete up my ce points, and then there's this 'portfolio development' whereby I have to start 'now', however nobody knows WHAT to start with, and it seems emailing facilitators are of complete of no use, because i have been waiting for 3 days for a reply, and i guess waiting for an answer from the sky is what i shall do next. Also there's anniversary operation. (: I can't spill all details here on the blog because stef might chance upon what i'd be planning up for him. I hope everyone is doing fine at school, oh wells.. I'm rushing up in writing uhhh something. And my computer is spinning around. Or isit me? OH wells, i'll spill more another day, as for now I need to get my bum down NOW.

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