Thursday, February 15, 2007

AHAHA. I'm in school. And i fibbed about yesterday being DATELESS. Had a small date with MEGAN. Unfortunately half way during dinner, i had a BIG, GIGANTIC headache, the size of empire state building. HEH. ): But it was alllll goood in the end. [:

Took pictures. Ate candy after candy bought from candy empire at millenia walk. Bumped into his friends, audrey and emmmm i forgot the other girl's name. AHA.

I, didn't even fucking wished me at all. So kay, fine, whatever. I guess you've finally STOPPED caring.

Alright, i DOUBT i'll be going online later tonight, service at expo at 8, will be raeching home at 10+++++ maybe. I might not even have the time to mug for bio. Ahhhh that's just great.

HURRY ALL! DATE ME TOMORROW OR SATURDAY! But till 7.30 for Saturday, family renioun dinner. -_- TILL THEN. I have alot to blog about

Tu armor, estela siempen mi corazon.

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