Sunday, May 29, 2005

sean's place

alright. (:
yesterday i didnt go for service. (:
yes i know im bad.
instead i went to sean's place.
it's so warm and cosy and big. (:
just like the owner himself. (:
loved his 2 dogs, rocky and rhombo.
his family.
yeap. had dinner with them. (:
such a lovely and warm family. (:
but i was really happy to be with sean.
and omg there were so many stars at night.
dang wish i could stay over and just be with my boo. ):

*for all the times you stood by me
for all the truth you made me see
for all the joy you brought to my life
for all the wrong that you made right
for every dream you made come true
for all the love i found in you
i'll be forever thankful baby
you're the one who held me up
never let me fall
you're the one who saw me through it all

you were my strength when i was weak
you were my voice when i couldnt speak
you were my eyes when i couldnt see
you saw the best there was in me
lifted me up when i couldnt reach
you gave me faith cause you belives
im everything i am
because you loved me *

oh baby what we are is a P-E-R-f-E-C-T match. (:

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