Saturday, June 28, 2008

married at 21

You know what sucks? Finding out that a relative of yours got married and he/she didn't tell you. Leonard Ow, has been family since the day before I was born, but to save the details, I'm glad to say that he's grown to the man that he feels he's contented with. Humble and all. But most importantly, the day he got married. A husband.

Now although the wedding was abrupt, and no one from his dad's side knew about it. Shell-shocked. Many were, due to some family reasons that i shall not state. But whatever it was, I'm happy for the both of them. For Leo, she's a flawless beauty that has changed you so much. And no matter what the reasons are, i hope the love between the both of you will burn for yet another 1000 years. And with that, Anna, most importantly, welcome to the family. (:

Lucky fruit-cake. This kid is only 11 and he's wearing ralph lauren.

if it were ever mine, it'd be ours.
if it were ever ours, it'd be you and I.
if it were ever thine, it'd be more than just forever.

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