Thursday, November 10, 2005

an easier way to upload my photos instead of using ol hello picasa.yeas.anyway,when i entered class today,atmosphere was pretty's oblivious that everyone is scared of the results,whose gonna be promoted,all eventually leading into frienship trials.i guess,the school is pretty pathetic,whatever more can i say?we are living in a pathetic world,without insane.
took a bus down to far east with ji min and sandra,just to look at shoes.and we THOUGHT we saw russel kang,but eck,no use daring each other to go up to him and politrly ask was he really russel kang. ((:
met cassie and THE band.i think it was called the DEAD FROGS are something like that,how was i suppose to know,but it had something to do with frogs.then mum called,asked me to rush home to do something important for her.OH CRUD,im getting back my report book tomorrow.)): i don't want.and we like got test right after we start school?how insane and crazy it sounds and feels.the schoool is driving us nuts and to hell. oh yea.

i hope you choke on your dreams,EVERY night.

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