Monday, August 11, 2008

if something is amiss; you gotta find it

Sem 1 is going to be over in 24 hours time.
I've got a round about of 21 days of holiday before I enter into semester 2. I work 11 days this holiday, 21-11=10 days of free time. Leaving the beginning and the end of the of the holidays to be free with. I've got 22 things that NEEDS to be done before sem 2 starts. It just hit me that I might not even have time. Good Golly. /: I kinda dread looking at my planner now because it gives me a rush, and no it's not that hot sensation of hot love, but rather the rush of my neurones speeding around my nervous systems.

I had this conversation with my mother over dinner and I was hinting to her that both she and my father has yet to give me a birthday present.
Me: You guys still haven't given me anything for this year's birthday present.
Mom: I can give it to you end of this year.
Me: That's what you did last year, I didn't get anything in the end!
Mom: That course we paid and that trip to Japan!
Me: THAT was a present? That was SHIPPING Naomi & I for summer school!
Mom: Ok ok ok, what do you want then?
Me: -stares at both my parents- then again, i don't know WHAT I want, i've got everything I could ever asked for.
Mom: See. We give you everything,
Me: Why did i ever bother sometimes..

So why isit that i'm missing something? It's a feeling i'm missing. I just know it.

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