Saturday, February 11, 2006


well well,im back.too all who thought i was dead,which it felt like i was,cause i've been having influenza.i don't think i'll ever trust those docters at Bishan again,they gave me the wrong medicine and my sickness worsen,how apathetic.pieces of shit.I've been suffering for the past few days,but it did give me time to think about alot of stuff.Though now i know that the ghost of the past is still haunting and daunting over me,I'm still scared.Anyway,part of this influenza i need to saty away from people who scream,so people when you want to talk to me,please talk,don't scream yell or holler.i'm not deaf,though my ear drums are already affected,thanks to those a million people out there who scream right into my ear.

Dear Scene,please let me be death and blind.

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