SHITZZZZ! Anyway, i've been busy and getting lack of sleep. Doesn't mean i'm awake means i'm not tired. I ammm sooooo deeply in want of a bed. Well homework is piling up to my head and further even. Projects soon to be due. Chapters to revise on. So in the midst of blogging, i'm juggling my FnN coursework and tuition homework, (I HATE TUITION!)
13th January- Service and friends. Guo, Xing, Joy, Bay. Dinner at TCC. Walking aimlessly to P.S. Emo talks and Emo walks. 'Nuff said.
14th January- Laguna Beach. Tuition. Eating dinner at favourite Thai Restaurant. Teared because of some idiot.
15th January- Dad's birthday. MEGA BIG HEADACHE. Egg cup holders for birthday present.
Today is the usual. I was telling Nisha how i suddenly felt that my life went stagnant all of a sudden. Rachel was arguing with herself wether to pierce the tongue or navel. _______ was irritating me, unintentionally. I don't know why but everytime i see her _____face or even hear her talk about the oh so many things, it irritates the slightest guts out of me.
But now i'm even arguing with myself, TO GO OR NOT TO GO for dxo this saturday, THAT is the question. (Is it a question?)
Oh wisdom word for today.
"There are 2 types of rules, bad rules & good rules. Bad rules are one made BY the school. Good ones are the ones that doesn't exist, and that's because you made them."
i don't even see the wisdom in it, but heck. Just for laughs. So LAUGH NOW!
Conflicts & cornflakes
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