Sunday, January 15, 2006

haunt me down

I fought with a friend,and i don't feel bad about cruel.but i guess i had to let go of him,he wanted us to be more than just friends,and everyone knows that i can't accept that.To give up happiness to spend a few months with misery,is not in my defination.
But on the other hand,there's another guy too i have to confess.somewhat who made it all worthwhile yet fuming for me.Is it gonna be worth the 3 years wait i ask?But what now,after meeting up with me last thursday,you seem to be more distant than ever. It hurts and it's confusing,i'm still and i've been back to this threaded line,where i know it'll fall apart any moment.
Though life has return back to normal for me,my confidence level has brought me to a newer level,and the same routine has returned,blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.Something is huanting me.
gotta scoot now,dad yelling.

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