Monday, August 28, 2006

the only thing i have left.

I accept no responsibility whatsoever for any emotional trauma felt by the reader. However, i do claim credit if it happens to entertain you. This entry is NOT intended to flame or offend ANYONE. If you feel the posts to be offensive, there can be several reasons,
a) you are stupid;
b) you are overly imaginative;
c) you want to kill me anyway.
In any case, do let me know if you are offended by any of what i've said and i will try our best to make it more offensive. Although i mean no harm, i could include some if you ask for it.

Everyone is a sinner. No one in this world is the perfect Christian. How i'm growing in my faith has NOTHING to do with any of you. So please, do NOT interfere in my relationship with the Lord. -stares at anons- Talking about Faith.
Well, faith. I can't tell you all much in today's post as i've got to get back to s.s. -grumbles-

Well in this time of the tension,stress,pressure of the prelims to some and the upcoming n level papers of s.s and mother tongue. I guess we're tripping over our bra-straps and scrotums,for guys, well i can't say nothing much but even during this time, faith is all that you require when you find yourself in the examination hall. Faith is all that you'll ever can get to hold on to for the rest of you life.
Who knows in the future what can be taken away from you, your family,friends,house,property,money,loved ones,assests,rights,whatever. Anyone can take all of this away from you, but there's one thing i know for sure that they can never take, your faith.
Like me, when i realised i've created pitholes the size of myself and can't get out, or when i'm lost and i can't find my way, or when i'm down to the ground, or when everyone has took a step from me, or when i feel things wilk never turn around and be alright, i still held on tight to my faith, cause it's the only thing i have left.

I have faith in many things, friends and family, future and life. It's faith that gets me going through life i guess.

wells. I know it was random abit. But that's all i got to say for today. I am so random.

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