Wednesday, November 01, 2006

If you're ready to be my everything

It's sick to feel sick. Right now i'm seating, slumped on the chair. Dance was treacherous. Turned and turned till i'm not feeling right in my tummy, i feel like puking everything i ate today. Macoroni soup, chocolate pudding, peach tea, 2 slices of phopiah, bubble tea and dinner meal. Gawd.

Mr F:

I know it's like almost a week but i'm bursting inside to tell you that i need you and want you. So i'm asking you for this chance for us to be together. Don't hesitate, don't hold back, don't any longer alright? I knew if i wait any longer i'm gonna loose you eventually so i'm not gonna be a fool to wait. But i ask myself, do you want me too? Do you really really really want me? If yea, how bad? More than Mr E?
Well as FeFe Dobson would have put it:

And if you're ready to be my everything
If you're ready to see it through this time
And if you're ready for love then
This I will bring
But I'm not gonna wait for you forever this time

Go on and go ahead and tell me anything. You're a mystery to me and i have an excitement in discovering it. You're my beautiful stranger. But it's sad to say that you'll never chance upon this post right? It's like this wall where you see me saying hello but inside i'm screaming 'I love you'.
I want you and no one else.

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