Thursday, July 06, 2006

make music not war

I was half bored and tired after mugging a chapter of biology when all of a sudden i had the energy of an energizer bunny to study Social studies. Radical! Flipped to the chapter of Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka and begain absorbing every single sentence into my shrivelled brain.

Though I'm a girl who is nonetheless couldn't care less about current affairs in the world since it's a NOO problem for me going around screaming 'SCREW THE WORLD!', seriously. But something boot me in the but to give at least a thought about it, face it people, we are all gonna die one day accept that truth, not a fact. The world is getting more and more patethic as it revolve around the Sun. So why bother giving a damn and see the world come to an end one day? Sure go ahead, no one is gonna stop you but i plan to read my Basic Intsrutcions Before Leaving Earth guide-book,it never fails. -pats chest-

Look at the situation here in Sri-Lanka, as you all read in the papers the Tamil Tigers are planning to gather more forces and fight once again, stupid it is, they've already been punished by Tsunami and the UN people are willing to give a shit about them by sending them their basics and this is how the repay back to the world. WOW Lovely isn't it? Acheh you say? WELL WELL, though reading from some papers along time ago, they did barbaric things, i will not mention them as a respect, but tables turned when Tsunami hit them, now they've seem to take things at another view, SEEEE WHY CAN'T other countries learn from them, east-timor leste as well? I've got no comments and i can go on rambling about other countries. As we can see the situation is not getting better, so why not join me and the rest of the other people in well err this place where we call it earth, make MUSIC NOT war! PEACE!
yet again we can all just scream 'SCREW THE WORLD'. I end my rantings about current affairs, how unusual of me to even type all of this out.

Went to Shaun's place. -smiles brightly- I smell him on me.BWAHAHA I just love him with every beat of my heart. He amazes me.((:

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