Sunday, July 23, 2006


I have quite a few topics to talk about today, the preview of it would be on Love, Death, Fashion People and the least, World. Sounds like everyday most chatted but i'm here to elaborate more on it. (DUH)

On love.
Yesterday while Dad brought me to Mac'd to have dinner, yeaaa did it reminds oof the good old times where daddy would buy me a happy meal and i would screech for a toy. HA. Now at the age of 16, dad bought me a grilled chicken sandwhich meal and salad, a balanced diet for a teen (HA) i suppose. Though no toys or whatsoever, we talked about upcoming events like the Japanese summer festival. Nothing casual. Nothing bad. Just more quality time. I love that. I miss that. I've always yearned for that. Nothing but attention from my folks. However, just as were about to leave and fetch my small sister, an elderly couple sitting behind me grasped my very mind and made me ponder. They looked so sweet having a cup of water and eating ice-cream and smiling widly through their wrinkled skin. I couldn't help but turn around and give them a big beam. (:

On death.
Today Nisha's favourite grandmother passed away with grace. She fought through the pessimistic advice given by the docters and carried on fighting, yet she was called home to be with the Lord today. I could sense Nisha was totoally upset, she stumbled on words and was choking back on tears. Reminds me of the time when my own grandmother passed away when i was just a mere 6 year old. I remember of only happy childhood. Nothing immemoriable.

On fashion.
Though the path i'm aiming for is on journalism and MAYBE deejay/vj. However i feel fashion might be a hallway, i mix i match, i cut i paste, i burn i make,i feel i wear, i like i love. But also my culinary skills, besides prata making (i can never make prata's,so don't get me an indian husband, i just want shaun. (:) all skills,recipes are passed down to me and i have to maintain that from my,Shimada, family. Somehow, i feel excited for what the future has in store for me. (:

On people.
what's there to say?

On World.
Again i say we live in a patethic world and again i tell everyone SCREW THE WORLD. Middle east as we all know is the war-zone. I don't know why they actually have to fight. I don't know what the world is after. I don't know why i get a headache even trying to figure out concepts and linking them to different thins. -throws the inflattable globe outta the window-

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